What is Lubcat

What is Lubcat?

In response to what Lubcat is, it should be said that Lubcat is one of the main components and raw materials for the production of motor oil, which makes up about 85-95% of its composition. In the crude oil refining process, only a few percent of hydrocarbon materials with atomic numbers between 20 and 50 are obtained, which are suitable for use as oil. After extraction from crude oil refineries, lubecut is subjected to more refining processes in oil refineries, and finally, a substance called base oil is produced, which is the main ingredient in the production of motor oils, industrial oils, and lubricants. As mentioned, base oil is produced from lubkat. In fact, oils consist of two main components: base oil and additives.

What is Lubcat?

What is the use of Lubcat?
Lubcat, one of the products of crude oil and the product of oil refineries, has wide applications in various industries. In the rest of this article from the Mehrgoster collection, we will mention some of the main uses of Lubcat:

• Production of motor oils

As a raw material in the production of engine oils, lubecoat plays an important role in reducing friction and wear of engine parts, improving efficiency and increasing engine life.

• Production of industrial oils

Industrial oils produced from Lubcat are used in various industries such as automobile, shipbuilding, aerospace and heavy machinery. These oils are used as lubricants in gearboxes, hydraulics, compressors and bearings.

• Production of heat transfer oils

Lubcat is also used to produce heat transfer oils. These oils are used in heat transfer systems such as radiators and boilers to efficiently transfer heat and improve system performance.

• Production of gear oils

Gear oils, which are used to lubricate the gearboxes of cars and industrial machinery, are derived from Lubcat and must have high resistance to pressure and heat.

• Production of compressor oils

Compressor oils are used for lubrication and cooling of compressors. These oils are made from Lubricant and must have properties such as thermal stability and oxidation resistance.


• Grease production

Lubcat is used as one of the basic materials in the production of greases for lubrication of parts that work under pressure and high temperature.


• Production of marine oils

Marine oils used to lubricate ship engines and marine equipment are produced from lubkat. These oils must show high resistance to moisture and corrosion.


• Application in the production of petroleum additives

Lubcat, the basic material in the production of various types of oil additives, helps to improve the characteristics of motor and industrial oils.This material, having favorable properties such as thermal stability, resistance to oxidation and high lubricity, plays a vital role in various industries. As the main feed of oil refineries, this substance forms the basis of the production of many petroleum products and industrial and motor lubricants.


Lobkat production method

After answering what Lubcat is and what it is used for, it will be important to know how to produce it. It is good to know that the number of carbon atoms in a hydrocarbon plays a very important role in determining its properties and use. Any change in the number of carbon atoms can lead to significant changes in the properties of the hydrocarbon and consequently in its applications.Gaseous compounds that are stored in capsules after liquefaction under pressure (LPG) and used as fuel in areas that do not have access to city gas, volatile liquids such as gasoline, and viscous and semi-solid compounds such as bitumen, all of which are products of distillation. They are crude oil.In the refining process, in addition to separating non-hydrocarbon compounds, hydrocarbon compounds are also separated based on their boiling point, which is affected by the number of carbon atoms in their molecules.Normally, during the refining of crude oil, only a small percentage of hydrocarbon materials with the number of carbon atoms between 20 and 50 are formed, which are suitable for use as lubricants. This special part which is suitable for lubrication purposes is known as Lube Cut.The remaining materials from crude oil refining mainly consist of lighter materials that are suitable for fuel use. Hydrocarbons with less than 15 carbon atoms have a low flash point and high volatility and are not suitable for use as lubricants due to their low viscosity.The important thing is that not all types of crude oil will be suitable for base oil production. Choosing the right crude oil for the production of base oil requires attention to several factors such as the chemical composition of crude oil, the cost of refining, the percentage of oil cut in crude oil, market demand and many other factors. Therefore, the percentage of base oil extracted from different crude oils of the world is different and in different sources this value is mentioned between 5 and 20%.

Lobkat production method

What are the types of lobkats?

Lubricant is divided into two types, heavy and light, each of which has its own uses in the oil industry. Heavy lubricant is suitable for the production of mono grade engine oil (heavy grade) and light lubricant is used for the production of other types of engine oil. It should be noted that Lubcat is a raw material for the production of base oil; A part of it is exported and the rest is converted into engine oil.


What is a heavy lubcoat?

These oils are used for applications that require heavy lubrication, such as transmissions and large diesel engines. These oils have a higher viscosity and can perform well at high temperatures and high pressures.Both types of light and heavy lubricants should be able to maintain their viscosity at different temperatures, have good heat stability and resist oxidation and corrosion. In general, Lubricants play a vital role in the machinery and equipment industry; By reducing wear and friction, they increase the life of machine parts and reduce maintenance costs.


What is a light coat of arms?

After knowing what lubecoat is, we should know that the light type is usually used for applications that require light lubrication, such as small electric motors. These oils have lower viscosity and perform well at low temperatures.


Why is it important to produce Lubcat?

Lubricant, one of the products of crude oil and one of the cuttings of the distillation tower of oil refineries, is divided into two types, heavy and light, each of which has its own uses in the oil industry.According to experts, only high-quality oil can guarantee the optimal performance of machinery equipment. About 55% of premature equipment failures occur due to the use of inappropriate oils. Oils are used as substances to reduce friction and prevent wear of moving metal parts that are in contact with each other.
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Lubcott analysis

Lubcott analysis

Lubcat analysis is very important to evaluate its quality and suitability as a raw material in the production of base oils and other related products. In this process, various parameters are examined to ensure that Lubcat has the necessary characteristics for use in various industries.



Kinematic Viscosity: This parameter indicates the fluid's resistance to flow and is measured at different temperatures (usually 40 and 100 degrees Celsius). Viscosity must be within a certain standard range so that lubecoat can act as a proper lubricant.


Pour Point:

This parameter indicates the minimum temperature at which the lubricant can still flow. A lower pour point means better performance at low temperatures.


Flash Point:

At this temperature, Lubcat starts to evaporate and ignite, so a higher ignition point indicates greater safety against ignition and explosion.


Viscosity Index:

This index shows how Lubcat's viscosity changes with temperature. The higher the viscosity index, the greater the stability of the viscosity against temperature changes.

Sulfur Content:

The amount of sulfur in the lubricant should be controlled because too much sulfur can lead to corrosion and damage to the equipment.

Water Content:

The presence of water in Lubcat can lead to the formation of emulsion and reduce the lubrication efficiency. Therefore, the water content should be as low as possible.

• Materials soluble in hexane (Hexane Solubles):

These substances indicate the presence of light and dissolved oily substances in Lubcat, which affect the final quality of the product.By performing a detailed analysis, it can be ensured that the Lubricant produced has the desired characteristics for use in the production of motor and industrial oils. This analysis helps to improve the quality of final products and ensure the longevity and efficiency of industrial equipment.



Lubricant is obtained from refining crude oil and is used as the main feedstock in the production of base oils, which are then converted into industrial and motor oils. Lubcat has two types, light and heavy, each of which is suitable for its own specific applications, such as light or heavy engine oils.In general, as the main ingredient in the production of basic and industrial oils, Lubekat plays a fundamental role in improving the performance and efficiency of various industries, and based on the specific needs of each industry, various products are obtained from this material, which evolve over time and Continuous improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Lubcat?
In response to what is lubkat, it can be briefly said that lubkat is one of the products of crude oil refining, which is used as the main ingredient for the production of base oil.

2. What is the difference between heavy and light lubkat?
Heavy lubecoat has a high viscosity and is used for applications such as transmissions and diesel engines, while light lubecoat has a lower viscosity and is suitable for small electric motors and other light applications.

3. What are the important factors for choosing crude oil to produce lobkat?
The chemical composition of crude oil, refining cost, percentage of oily fraction in crude oil, market demand and technical specifications of viscosity and thermal stability are the most important factors.

4. What is the difference between base oil and lubcot?
Lubricant is the raw material used to produce base oil, while base oil itself is the final product that is used to produce different oils.

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