The best paraffin for candle making

The best paraffin for candle making

Paraffin is a colorless, odorless and tasteless substance known as a petroleum compound. This material is not only used for making candles, but it is used in various industries. Paraffins are divided into two categories, solid and liquid, each of which has its own uses. Here we review the types of paraffin used in candle making and introduce the best paraffin for candle making:

  • Solid paraffin
    Solid paraffins contain 3-5% oil and have a jelly-like state. These types of paraffins melt at a temperature of 58 to 60 degrees Celsius and freeze at a temperature of 50 to 55 degrees Celsius. Because of this freezing point, paraffins are often seen as solids. Solid paraffins are divided into three categories: sanitary, edible and industrial. Solid paraffins are mostly used in candle making.
  • liquid paraffin
    Liquid paraffins are white and transparent, and their boiling point is 175 degrees Celsius. At a temperature of 265 degrees Celsius, liquid paraffin evaporates. Liquid paraffins are mainly used in various industries and are less often used for candle making.
  • Crystalline paraffin
    These types of paraffins are transparent and glassy, and because of the low percentage of fat, they have higher resistance and burn longer. Their high purity increases the power of color acceptance and they are of high quality. Crystalline paraffins are very suitable for making handmade candles.
  • Paraffin jelly
    Jelly paraffin is also clear and takes more time to burn and melt than solid paraffins. It is better to use indirect heat or steam to melt paraffins. The use of high heat can change the original color and clarity of the paraffin and may even cause the release of hydrogen gas. Jelly candles are mainly made in colorless and glass containers to preserve their transparency and beauty.
  • Cast paraffin (acidic)
    These types of paraffins are offered as the best paraffins for candle making in the form of molds and with pieces of different sizes and are considered solid paraffins. This type is mostly used for making candles.
  • Flaky paraffin candle making
    These types of paraffins are in the category of solid paraffins and their fat percentage is very high. These types of paraffins are mostly used for decorative candles and are produced and supplied in different colors.
  • paraffin waxing
    These paraffins are fatty and burn very quietly and cleanly, and are known as flower or microcrystal paraffins. This material is used to make decorative candles similar to roses as the best paraffin for candle making.
  • Clear paraffin
    This paraffin is a pure substance that is used for glass candles and is also known by names such as glass and medical paraffin. This substance has a lot of fat and is slippery and loose and cannot be solidified. These paraffins are used in making candles in glasses and glass containers, as well as decorative candles.

Considering the variety and different applications of paraffin, choosing the right type for candle making depends on the needs and tastes of people. Each type of paraffin has its own characteristics that are used in making different candles.

What is paraffin candle making?

Choosing the type of paraffin for candle making depends on various factors. These factors include the type of candle you plan to make, your preference for natural or synthetic wax, the amount of scent you want the candle to have, the difficulty level of the project, and the finish of the candle. Checking these items will help you to choose the best paraffin for candle making and for your specific application. The best paraffin for candle making is usually divided into two categories: solid and gel, while liquid paraffins are more suitable for industrial use. The types of paraffins suitable for making candles are: jelly, crystal, clear, scaly, etc. Each of these types of paraffin requires a certain temperature to melt and is used to make certain candles. Considering these points, choosing the right paraffin based on your needs and preferences can have a great impact on the quality and final result of the candles you make.

Application of paraffin candle making

Candle making paraffin has a variety of applications that are widely used in the production of different candles. Among the main uses of paraffin in candle making, the following can be mentioned:

  • Making decorative candles: Paraffin is used to make decorative candles with different shapes and colors. These candles are used as decorations in homes, ceremonies and various occasions.
  • Scented candles: Paraffin is used to make scented candles due to its high ability to absorb and maintain scents. In addition to lighting, these candles also create a pleasant smell in the environment.
  • Handmade candles: Paraffin is a popular choice for making homemade candles. These candles are usually made using different molds and techniques and can be used as personalized and special gifts.
  • Functional candles: Paraffin is also used in the production of functional candles such as birthday candles, lighting candles and emergency candles. These candles are used for temporary lighting or during power outages.
  • Candles for celebrations and occasions: In celebrations and special occasions such as Christmas, Nowruz and other ceremonies, candles made of paraffin are used as symbols and decorations.

The use of paraffin in candle making is very common due to its reasonable price, easy access, and high formability, which makes the candles produced with it to be of good quality.

The best paraffin

In the search for the best materials for candle making, paraffin is considered as one of the main and vital materials in this industry. Considering the wide variety of paraffins and their different characteristics, choosing the best paraffin for candle making can be a big challenge. From solid and crystalline paraffins to jelly and liquid paraffins, each has its own characteristics and uses.

  • Jelly paraffin: This type of paraffin is used mostly in glass candles due to its high transparency and durability. Also, it has a better fuel duration than other paraffins.
  • Crystalline paraffin: This paraffin is used to make paraffin candles due to its greater flexibility, higher transparency, and greater purity.
  • Half to one percent fat paraffin: With the lowest amount of fat, this paraffin has high transparency and purity, which improves the quality of candles made from it.
  • Paraffin 1 to 3% fat: This type of paraffin is usually used for different types of candles and has the right quality to create candles made with different molds.
  • How many percentages of paraffin: For certain purposes, we need certain amounts of fat in paraffin, and this type of paraffin can be the best choice.
  • Creamy paraffin: This type of paraffin is used to create candles with special and desired designs, with the possibility of more decoration and more malleability.
  • Liquid paraffin: To create candles with an oiliness and high transparency, liquid paraffin is the best option.
  • Beeswax Paraffin or Beeswax: For people looking for natural candles, Beeswax or Beeswax is suitable.
  • Colored paraffin: If you need colored candles, you can use colored paraffins, which have other properties of paraffin in addition to color.
  • Half-percent fat paraffin: This type of paraffin, with a suitable combination of fat and transparency, is suitable for making candles at different temperatures and with various molds.


For the best result in candle making, choosing the right paraffin is very important. Solid, crystalline, jelly and flake paraffins are among the best options for making a variety of candles, because these types of paraffins have characteristics such as transparency, flexibility and proper burning time. By providing high quality and diverse paraffins, Mehrgoster Company is an ideal option for preparing raw materials for candle making. The products of this company will guarantee the quality and optimal performance of your handmade and industrial candles.

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